Our Services
Book your appointment today to experience our premium health and wellness services. We are dedicated to providing personalized care and ensuring your well-being with comprehensive evaluations and treatments.
JFB Myofascial Release
A hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into restrictions of the myofascial connective tissue to relieve pain and restore motion. There is an essential time element to this manual therapy technique. Each patient is looked at as a unique individual. No two people have the same fascial strain patterns. Therapy sessions are one-to-one treatments in which a multitude of techniques and movement are applied. Fascia stores emotional and physical trauma. Healing on a deeper level is promoted through education, self-treatment instruction, enhanced strength, improved flexibility, and body awareness. Appropriate for ALL ages and most diagnoses. Developed by John F Barnes, PT, an international lecturer, author, and authority on MFR, who has trained over 100,000 therapists and physicians worldwide.
Indicated for: ALL ages, most conditions, men and women, infants and children, pelvic floor, women’s health, post-surgical complications, chronic pain, athletic performance enhancement, overall well-being.
Helps with: fibromyalgia, back pain, limb pain, headaches, whiplash, pelvic pain, neck pain, sports injuries, chronic pain, migraines, disc problems, pelvic floor pain and dysfunction, adhesions, neurological issues, chronic fatigue, carpal tunnel syndrome, jaw pain (TMJD), scars, scoliosis, sciatica, myofascial pain syndrome, vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, mastectomy pain, menstrual problems, painful intercourse, problematic breast implants/reduction scars, coccydynia, endometriosis, incontinence, lymphedema, urinary incontinence, urgency and/or frequency, hysterectomy, episiotomy scars, nerve entrapment, etc.
Pediatrics: MFR safely & gently releases fascial restrictions to enable more “normal” growth and development. Every baby can benefit from MFR and potentially avoid growth and compensation around restrictions that would surely result in symptoms and dysfunction later in life. Ideal for: head injuries, cerebral palsy, birth trauma, scoliosis, movement dysfunction, neurological dysfunction, trauma, pain, headaches, orthopedic conditions, tongue and/or lip ties, pre/post phrenectomy, toe walking, plagiocephaly, multiples birth, NICU, asthma, ADHD, pneumonia/breathing problems, missing or displaced organs, motor skills deficits, pregnancy complications, torticollis, tonsillectomy, sensory issues, club foot, cesarean section, sleep issues, nausea, constant movement, anxiety, allergies, addiction, early surgical intervention, g-tubes/stomas, Arnold chiari, chronic ear infections, Down syndrome, non-verbal, seizure disorders, spica cast, latching/feeding issues, colic, reflux, pain with breastfeeding, tinnitus, hearing problems, balance issues, and more.
Manual Lymph Drainage
A gentle, non-invasive manual technique designed by Dr Vodder to improve the flow of lymph fluid in the skin. Has a powerful relaxing and calming effect on the nervous system. Gentle, rhythmic, pumping, massage movements follow the direction of lymph flow and produce rapid results. Feels like a very light massage as lymph vessels are located right under the skin. Lymph vessels dilate with these techniques kind of like “widening the road to improve the flow of traffic”. As the lymph fluid begins to move more quickly it gets filtered at the lymph nodes, filtering out and eradicating toxins. Healthy lymphocytes are picked up from the lymph nodes which are responsible for tissue repair, anti-aging, and all things autoimmune, cosmetic and beauty. Full body or head/neck/face focus.
Indicated for: bariatric, joint replacement, sports injuries, plastic surgeries, breast cancer reconstruction, immune system function, cellulite/lipedema, C-section, prolonged sitting, decreased healing time, faster tissue repair
Helps with: edema, pain (and reducing pain medications), bruising, hematomas, scarring, constipation relief, concussion, TBI, pregnancy, stretch mark prevention, pediatric development, neck injuries, shoulder injuries, autoimmune conditions, allergies, disease, fractures, dislocations, fusions, motor vehicle accidents, posture, dental work, radiation, hair loss, alopecia, acne, rosacea, eczema, Bell’s palsy, earaches/ear infections, sinusitis, burns, glaucoma, dementia, MS, Parkinson’s, phantom pain, tendinitis, Alzheimer’s, trigeminal neuralgia, etc.
Trauma-Informed Energetics
The human body generates an electromagnetic field. The heart’s field, which can be measured several feet away, reflects our emotional states and coherence. Heart-brain synchronization directly impacts emotional regulation and overall health. The nervous system communicates via bioelectric signals that regulate all physiological functions. Trauma-informed energetics works to release energy blockages in this system, allowing for natural regulation. Practices that reduce stress and engage the parasympathetic nervous system improve mental health and reduce trauma-related symptoms. Brainwave activity directly correlates with states of consciousness. Delta waves facilitate deep sleep and cellular regeneration. Theta waves promote subconscious reprogramming and creativity. Alpha waves enhance relaxation and focus. Soundscapes used in these healing sessions entrain the brain into these frequencies, helping release old patterns and facilitate healing. Energy healing aligns with quantum mechanics, which shows that everything in the universe is interconnected through vibrations and frequency. Trauma often manifests as stuck energy in the body. Trauma-informed energy activation creates safe space for clients to release these energetic imprints. Sound frequencies impact cellular health, mental states, and energy flow, promoting healing and emotional balance.
Indicated for: dysregulation of nervous system, limiting beliefs, inability to receive, imbalance, tension, misalignment, resistance, energetic blockages, excessive doubt, fear, worry, anger, unwanted and unnecessary thoughts.
Helps with: stress and anxiety, improved emotional regulation, increased energy and vitality, heightened intuition and creativity, enhancing and expanding consciousness, shifting into a state of openness and acceptance, flow, calmness, wisdom, compassion, kindness, curiosity, gratitude, presence, peace, joy, courage, integrity, authenticity, synchronicity, ease, prioritizing self-care, strengthening self-worth, identify, release and reframe blockages, healthy boundaries, welcoming love and abundance, insight into others, realignment, greater self-awareness, improved sleep, enhanced physical health.
Designed for those who truly want to go deeper into their healing journey on many levels. Have you been living disconnected? Do you feel as if you are existing outside of your own body? Have you been surviving day to day rather than thriving as you are meant to? Modern day life contributes to continual bombardment of the nervous systems resulting in a perpetual state of fight or flight. This is not conducive to optimal health and well-being. In actuality, this is directly related to further perpetuating illness and worsening dysfunction by keeping the system in a constant state of inflammation. An immersive treatment container offers a unique opportunity for those who feel stuck or have deeply rooted traumas solidified into their tissues at the cellular level. This one-of-a-kind experience is delivered as multiple treatment sessions per day for subsequent days over the course of 1-2 weeks. A personalized combination of JFB Myofascial Release, Manual Lymph Drainage, balancing of energetic centers and facilitated activation of life force energy through trauma-informed energetics. This format allows for substantially enhanced progress and incredible breakthroughs. The body has no other choice but to let go and reset, freeing subconscious holding patterns, protective bracing, freeze responses that have resulted in spasm, tightness, pain, and dysfunction. Stop living in struggle. Return to fully embracing and enjoying life.
Indicated for: haven’t seen desired progress with a slower approach, have a desire to experience healing on deeper levels, chronic conditions, increased complexity or medical involvement, lost connection with one’s body, strong attachment to expectations or outcomes.
Helps with: let go of bracing and holding patterns that perpetuate pain and dysfunction, elevation and transformation of self, increased body awareness, empowerment in one’s physical health journey, incredible breakthroughs in progress, release of stagnancy, deeper healing, greater connection on many levels and in various aspects of life, profound personal growth with potential for life-changing results on physical, mental, emotional and energetic planes.